Shipping Policy

CPAP Cloud offers free standard shipping on all orders above $99. CPAP Cloud ships with USPS, UPS or FedEx for all items shipped within the United States. We do not offer free shipping on next day or 2 day shipping. Most items shipped will arrive 2 to 10 days. Upon shipment of your order you will receive an email notification that your order has been shipped. All orders are processed and shipped out of our Burbank, California location. In rare cases, some items may ship directly from our suppliers. All In-Stock orders are processed within the same business day if made before 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. does not warrant or guarantee published delivery times. We do guarantee timely processing and fulfillment of all In-Stock items upon placement of order. Upon fulfillment, it is the obligation of the United States Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx for timely delivery of shipment in which the above suggested delivery times apply. It is the responsibility of the customer to acknowledge and adhere to the above policy before placing their order. The SHIP TO address MUST be a valid deliverable address (must be able to receive first class mail). Please provide complete information to ensure delivery accuracy.

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